Disciples Community providing school supplies

Disciples Community Restores Hope and Education for 131 Children in Flood-Affected

The recent floods in Tegeta, Dar es Salaam, brought devastation that swept away more than just homes and belongings. For many children, the floodwaters washed away their precious notebooks, textbooks, and school supplies, leaving them with nothing to face the new school year.

Disciples Community providing school supplies to children affected with floods

Disciples Community recognizing the critical need to get children back on track with their education. The initiative focused on supplying 131 flood-affected children with brand new school supplies. Notebooks, pens, pencils, and textbooks were distributed, along with  shoes. This activity aimed not only to replace lost materials but also to restore a sense of normalcy and dignity to the children’s lives.

The impact of Disciples Community’s actions goes beyond the immediate provision of supplies. It sends a powerful message that even in the face of disaster, education remains a priority. It shows the children that their community cares, that their potential is recognized, and that their right to learn will not be washed away.

Through Disciples Community hope has been restored and the path to education has been re-paved for 131 children. Their journey may be long and challenging, but with the right tools and unwavering support, they can write their own stories of success, one page at a time.

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